Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp, allow its user to collect via real-time with each other no matter the time, place or occasion you have happening. These sites allow us to make new friends, share too much of our lives that shouldn’t be shared, follow and support important causes, get live updates such as traffic or MTA. Twitter, I found a little more changeling but only when I have, much to say and I am limited to a specific number of characters. But other than that, it is very engaging, and it allows you to have a discussion/debate on anything that catches your attention. WhatsApp is one of my favorites, I use it daily to communicate with anyone of my contacts. One feature that I really like and that drew my attention to it that I could call people from my home country and communicate in real time. Facebook is another great site for making ‘friends’ from all over the world. It allowed me to reconnect with my old High School friends and relatives. Another excellent feature is the job search option, where you can apply with your profile. Instagram, however, was my least favorite, mostly because I am not a fan of posting pictures and videos. It didn’t leave a lasting impression on me as the others did.
The United States Department of Transportation reported that in 2016 there were over three thousand fatalities due to distracted drivers in the entire country. Technology has become so addictive that we cannot put our phones away while driving. We do not acknowledge the problem until a tender age victim is involved or the accident resulted in the death of someone close. Instead of waiting for something so brutal and fatal to happen we should approach the problem head-on. An innovative technology to help prevent this would be an app or factory installed program on our phones that stop text messages to and from the phone. The program/app will be able to calculate speed and will disable texting until the vehicle has come to a stop. There are some kinks to workout but a technology such as this can help reduce texting and driving accidents. https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/usdot-releases-2016-fatal-traffic-crash-data
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