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Blog Social networking

Technological advancements have been gracing our present and continuing to astonish us with its remarkable uses both negative and positive.  Social networking allows people to connect with each other, share information and collaborate through different platforms.  The article, In India, Using Facebook to Catch Scofflaw Drivers, provides an excellent example of how regular everyday commuters used social networking to help the authorities keep their streets safer for themselves, their children and other loved ones. Because of their posts and the attention that the site generated it lead to 665 tickets issued by the Delphi Traffic Police.  Social networking also has its “dark side”, for example, it invites bad interpersonal relationships.  This may seem like something that isn’t too deep or important but take a kid, for example, being cyberbullied or being “unfriend” can be damaging to their self-esteem. This may be something that lingers with them, which in turn may have damaging effects such as crime or suicide.  Another adverse effect of social networking is that there is never and probably never will be anything “private” once it gets on the internet.  If it is uploaded it is difficult to keep your personal stuff like pictures private.  This claim is supported by the article, Facebook Privacy… Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private, where even the Zuckerberg’s private photographs were difficult to keep out of the public.  In the future, I believe that these technological advancements will become even more frequently relied upon.  The need for human resources will not be as essential as it was 10 years ago or present.  A fitting example of this is the check out lines in stores, a significant amount of the cashiers will be replaced by automated checkout or self-service.  Here we see both the bad side of technological advancements; loss of jobs and the good side, faster checkout.  


  1. I completely agree with the fact that as technology grows the need for human interaction, and the need for humans in the workplace will definitely diminish. Makes you think about all the other jobs AI can replace with the right advancement in technology.

  2. Hey Antonio
    So true, I work in retail and the company is going to add more self service machines by year end. It makes you want to rethink your major, maybe I should have gone with STEM.


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