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Showing posts from April, 2018

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The United States Department of Transportation reported that in 2016 there were over three thousand fatalities due to distracted drivers in the entire country. Technology has become so addictive that we cannot put our phones away while driving. We do not acknowledge the problem until a tender age victim is involved or the accident resulted in the death of someone close. Instead of waiting for something so brutal and fatal to happen we should approach the problem head-on. An innovative technology to help prevent this would be an app or factory installed program on our phones that stop text messages to and from the phone. The program/app will be able to calculate speed and will disable texting until the vehicle has come to a stop. There are some kinks to workout but a technology such as this can help reduce texting and driving accidents. 


File sharing is a modern way of exchanging and sharing documents, media, music, data etc. over the internet or networks. Peer to Peer file sharing, quite like file sharing is the ability to share and access data through peer to peer computer networks created online to ease these activities. It allows users from all over the world to share and access media files using one of the many designated peer to peer software. This type of sharing has been highly referred to as piracy from companies because the downloaded videos, files, and other data is free, and they are not making any profit from it. File sharing is a pro for the users and a con for companies whose files are downloaded over and over for free. Two examples of peer to peer file sharing are BearShare and the Lending Club. BearShare which I have used a few years back allowed me to download music for free. The Lending Club is a very famous peer to peer site tha...